I should have mentioned it wouldn't hurt to have you send some cool stuff, and some to Elder Steiner too. He get's lots of love from home, but some more wouldn't hurt at all from you guys. It always means a lot to get some love and attention from another persons family and friends as well as your own. I guess in honesty, you are his friends just as you are mine. ;)
I don't know when or where I'll be calling for Christmas. If I'm still in Casper at that time, then I will be at a families house that invited us over there for dinner and to hang out some. Transfers come this Saturday so I'll know then whether I stay or go.
I like the idea of going out and buying some small gifts for the Elders in my district. That's cool. I'll do that.
We are having success. Nobodies been baptized yet, but we have 4 on date for January. We're seeing a bunch of super sweet awesome people. Two of the four on date are a couple kids Cayden(10) and Caylee( turning 9 this month). We've been working with this family for some time. They are amazing. The parents are both members and have been inactive for years. They are really working to help their kids and get them to baptism and they are doing good too. We are helping the kids get baptized and loving church and it's helping the parents also. We love them.
Another one that is on date is Delaney, she's a 20 or 21 year old single mother that lives with her step mom Nicky. Nicky is on date too! Delaney has been on the other side of the line for much of her life, and almost all of her adult life. Getting these two baptized will take a lot of work. Delaney is closer than Nicky to becoming converted. These two have some rough challenges but through love, guidance, support and teaching they will and are doing better.
We also have a man named Chris, a single gentleman that's almost 47. He loves hunting and fishing and he has a heart of gold. He is a loving and respectful person. He has some challenges, some word of wisdom issues being a big one. But I know people who have crossed that hurdle and lived ;) In fact, a couple good people we've helped a lot in the past few months here in Casper have quit smoking and are doing fantastic!!!
These people are some highlights we have, but amidst many others. I love this area, I love the strength of the members too. I met Des Bennion. Actually I met him a while ago and I thought I knew of him when you mentioned his name. His daughter is in our ward and she is really a nice lady. She and her husband have 4 kids ages 8 and under I think. But they are really missionary orientated and helpful. They have strong testimonies. Des and his family all got up and sang the other night at the Stake Christmas program. They did good. Then I talked to him after, but he didn't quite remember you. I'm sure after he thought about it awhile he did.
But it sounds like you guys are doing good. Keep up the good example. I'm going to Rapid City tonight, tuesday for a training meeting. I've heard that it's going to be 2 Church authorities from the Missionary Dept. of the Church coming to train 50 of us missionaries in the mission. Did I ever tell you that our mission is increasing by 100 missionaries in the next 7 months?
That's cool that Greg fed some Elders and they knew me, hopefully they had some good things to say back and forth. I really do hope that I can see those guys one of these days.
Congrats to Matt!
I think the Price's you talked about are some people I know. Not the Brother Price, but I do know an Annie that I assume is the one you speak of. Her name was Annie Merkley and she is a really nice gal. She's Sarah's age I think. Is that the one? Anyway.
I don't think I have a picture of me and the Pres. I'll get one this week from Elder Collins whose in my District and who has a camera, he's going to Rapid too. He is a great President though. I think he's great.
Elder Steiner and I have found Spanish people to teach and we've taught some lessons. I only speak itsy bitsy Espanol, but I constantly put myself and the Spanish Elders in positions where they can speak the language to Spanish folks. It's kinda fun.
One thing that goes on 3 times a week is an English class. The Spanish Elders rotate every other M W F who will teach it and then one of them comes with me and we go out proselyting. We're working on getting an article published in the local newspaper telling about the "Free English Class". It's a good thing that they do.
Elder Steiner is a good missionary. I really enjoy being his companion and serving as his trainer. He's someone that I really don't have to ever worry about when it comes to obedience. When I have something that I need to counsel him on, he is receptive, and humble about it. I can trust that he will be doing the right thing or striving for it always.
Well God Bless, the gospel is true, it's very real. My latest scripture that I've memorized is Alma 7:11-14, but I'll just quote you 14 for now: "Now I say unto you that ye must repent, and be born again. For the Spirit saith if ye are not born again ye cannot inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, come and be baptized unto repentence, that ye may be washed from your sins, that ye may have faith on the Lamb of God, who will take away the sins of the world, who is mighty to save and to cleanse from all unrighteousness". Check it
These things are true. I Love you guys
Elder Ensign
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