Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tell congratulations to Matt for me. I'm happy to hear about Jack and Steph and JJ!

That's so nice of you for looking for that book, thanks! It'll come when the time is right and if you keep looking.

I haven't gotten a letter from Dad lately, how is he doing? He's probably busy. I hope that all is well there.

It is sunny, clear skies, cool temperatures with a high of 0 degrees here. I believe the current temp is around -14 give or take. The weather has been crazy here. It snowed just the other day and supposed to bring a blizzard in tonight till tomorrow. That's what they say anyway. It's very calm and dead cold out now.

This week has been pretty good. The past two weeks we've found new investigators and have taught them very good 1st lessons and left them with commitments. These people I talk about are really nice and show great potential for baptism and conversion. Their names are Carol(an older woman who's married, we teach them both.), Kristin, and Nathan. They are great people.

We also have had some great visits with some recent converts in the Branch and some less active members and they are working hard! Reading the intro. to the Doctrine and Covenants was fun. The other day we read it with a member from the Branch, a line in it says, this book is "of great value to the human family and of more worth than the riches of the whole earth"! I thought that was cool.

We've had the opportunity to give some blessings here and support the branch. It's been good. I'm on scheduled to play again for Sacrament meeting this Sunday in Church!

I love you. bye -- Elder Ensign

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