We've been working hard and seeing blessings. The ward is really being supportive and helping us fellowship and teach. That has been so great. And I just love so many of our ward members. One of the fun things about being District Leader is I get to exchange with each Elder in my District once per transfer. So we get to switch and have a change of scenery or pace you might say for a day or so a week. That is nice.
Last night we met a guy named Josh who owns a gold Toyota Corolla just like mine. We've been trying to get in and visit him for some time now. We had a really good talk and lesson with him last night. It seems like he was very open to the message and he was accepting of the message. He has faith in God and Jesus, and looks to embrace the truth of the restored Gospel. I like the gospel a lot and the insight and knowledge that it gives us. And the Hope!!! Meeting with him was really good. He's 31 years old and single, he has two little kids that live with their mom.
Their is another guy named Josh we've recently met, this Josh is a member who used to skateboard, really got into some bad crap throughout high school and middle school, and has been off the path since. He's 21. I got all happy when he was telling me that he skateboarded and stuff. Man it felt good to reminisce a bit. Then last night I dreamed about skateboarding. This guys family are very nice folks and they are active in our ward. We had a visit with them and shared a quick message last night. I'm so excited to be working with the people we're working with. I love'em and am stoked to see them get the Spirit and light of the gospel and Jesus Christ in their lives.
I'm praying better and more than I have yet. Thanks for your prayers.
Wow, this Presidential Election is a big one. People are pretty nervous about Obama getting in again here. They say he'll stop all this oil drilling and then that would really stir things up for some people. This area is some of the best -- job wise in the country. This and No. Dak.
Love you.
Talk to you again soon!!! 
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