Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 12, 2012

Dear loved ones, especially Mom and Dad and Sarah,

Thanks! Actually Elder Maskell tinkered with my bike awhile ago and fixed it! It's in pretty decent working condition to say the least. I could send some pictures soon! We went to a town called Redwood Falls this past weekend and spent the night at our Branch Mission Leaders place for a couple nights. It's a beautiful place!! I'll send a pic or two from there. The Branch Mission Leader is an interesting fellow. He sells gold for his job.

Elder Maskell went to Ft. Yeates, an Indian Reservation to be a District Leader!

The Lip Sync sounds funny a cooky. haha. I'm glad Sarah could go and help/hang out a bit.

Sister Dustin sounds really nice! That's awesome!

That sounds like fun for Sarah to go to New Mexico with Reese!!

With the Biking and walking and practicing the piano and studying and working etc I must admit that writing letters to my loved ones and friends is not an easy task. But I'm working and making moves toward accomplishing more letters sent.

I'm not sure who has my address from the Ward back home but I do receive letters from a good bunch. It wouldn't hurt to get it out somehow. I'd love to write Bishop Packer and those good fellows sometime soon. Maybe you could send his address.

Thanks for helping with my taxes. Thanks for everything!! I'm working to get dad a letter sent today for his BDay!

I love you guys so very much. The church is true, the Bible is true and the Book of Mormon! I know this.

--Love Elder Ensign

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