I had a really cool experience yesterday. We had Stake Conference, and as we were walking to the Stake Center, an older Gentleman named Alfred (Ned) Price stopped and picked us up. He said, "He(talking about Heavenly Father) said Stop and pick up those young men!" So he did. He was headed to the same place. He is apart of 5th ward here. He taught us some really good lessons and we talked for about 25 minutes before Conference. One of the coolest things about meeting with him is that he was from Huntsville, and a farmer, and he owns land there still. But he know Grandpa Tom and company, and he knew that Uncle Tom was the last dairy farmer in the valley. Cool huh!!? One question he asked Elder Steiner and I was, "Who do you want to meet in the next life?" It was right after we talked about Grandpa Tom, and of course I thought my Grandpa Shupe.
Ned said he wanted to meet Paul. I liked his idea too. Then I got to thinking more and many others have come to mind. But I do love to think of my grandparents and to feel and imagine what they were like. Thanks for reminding me that it is Grandpa Shupe's Bday on the 20th also. That is so cool. Lanae emailed me today or yesterday and told me that they talked to Ned Price's wife, and she asked Lanae if she knew me. She said yes. Now I find out that this Ned Price is related to Lanae and her husbands family. Sweet huh.
One thing he told us was: Mormon's are like belly buttons. Some are in and some are out." What he was saying that sometimes we aren't the best people toward each other and don't treat other members and people the way we should. I believe that if we truly are friends and use our hearts to love other people, especially when it comes to people inside of our faith and wards, then there will be more activity and more members of the church - - especially of those that have fallen away into inactivity.
Oh and that is so cool that it's Uncle Bill's bday too. I love that man. He's so awesome. Sometimes I feel like they are so close to us. Even as I think about Grandpa Tom and Uncle Bill. I can feel their love.
Happy Birthday!!! I love you. You are so sweet and have been so sweet to me. Thank You. I have been getting your letters and packages and you help me out a ton. I love you mom. Thanks for being so supportive and awesome. I still haven't gotten a camera. I don't really miss having one to be real with ya. It would be nice, and I should get one. That will be good. But I don't know what I'll do yet. k.
So it sounds like the Ukelele guy was good! That's cool. There is a guy called 'Uke Man' I believe and he plays LDS music and sings. You should really check him out. He is good and he has a really good testimony. Check him :) Maybe Youtube or something.
I need to write Katie, she wrote me not too long ago, and Tammy. Then like I said Lanae emailed me today. That was so cool. I love those gals.
Thanks mom, I wished you a Happy Birthday and Elder Steiner did too out loud on Oct. 20! I hope you heard it 
Oh yeah, Stake Conference was so good. It was regional, a broadcast covering Wyoming, Colorado, and Montana. Elder Nelson spoke and some others. It was so powerful and uplifting. Some of the things we learned about were keeping the quality of our prayers really good. The amount of energy we put into our prayers will be about the same amount we get back. Kinda like if you hit a raquetball with a racket into the wall softly, it will return with less speed and less momentum, on the contrary if we hit the ball fast, with energy, and momentum, it will return in a like manner.
Elder Steiner and I are having a pretty good time. He is a good young man! We work hard. We bike a lot and walk sometimes. We work with the members as often as we can. We are truly blessed here. Some really cool things have been happening lately -- Every so often we are amazed at the goodness of the Lord and his blessings. :)
You're awesome mommee. Happy Halloween coming up. Can't you send some better pics of Pops than that!!!?
Cute kitties. I like that cream one...It has some pretty crazy eyes. And the one you were holding is really cute too. How's stumpy? Love ya
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