Sounds like you're all doing very very well! I'm glad.
The Temple trips sounds super good. I did hear from Sarah about her new job, and I'm glad to hear. I hope that it's great for her. I got a package from Meredith today and it was super sweet!!!! It had all the goods. I love the pictures and the tie and the treats, the talk, definately the drawings too.
Lori has been treating me so well too! She's a hero for sure. Others are sending their love and I appreciate it so much! 
I hope you feel my prayers and feel my love.
We had a pretty good week in our service. We had a new investigator attend church with us yesterday, he is a fireball of a guy. 20 years old and in love with the gospel.
Our Branch split yesterday. So now we cover two branches, the New Town Branch here on the Res., and the Stanley Branch which is about 45 minutes north. We'll go back and forth according to the needs of our investigators and the area.
New Town is a fun place to be, and it is especially exciting with all the rapid expansion and growth. There are tons of people from Idaho and Utah here. It's fun because people are very friendly and nice. The Gospel is making an impact on a lot of people's lives here and now.
We rode our bikes out across the bridge today, It's a beautiful ride. The picture of the bridge is running East to West and on the left is 4 Bears(Casino and a small community out there), to the right would be New Town; The lake Sakakawea you see there.
I'll check out D&C42:61. I like how you said all roads lead to the Temple, and I am and will do my best to have the guidance and strenth always of the spirit.
I'll check out D&C42:61. I like how you said all roads lead to the Temple, and I am and will do my best to have the guidance and strenth always of the spirit.
Thanks for talking them, my old buddies for me. That meant so much.
And it was my companion that got me to play golf. We had a pretty fun time. I did really good on the last hole!
Take care, ttyl. Love ya,
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