Hey, nice to hear from you. The weather up here has been pretty awesome really. It's warm in the day, and cool at night. Or it will be cloudy and a bit rainy but then it will clear up and be nice and warm again! It's pretty cool. It rains like once a day.
Yeah 8 months. It seems like it's been a while for me. This stuff is so tough. It's not what I thought it would be like.
We went to a pow-wow this last weekend. It was so cool. I liked it. The announcer called us out a few times and mentioned we were there to everyone. Both times we went we were with a members. Man, it was pretty fun. All the dancers with their colorful outfits and jingles and bells. Then you have the men gathered in drum circles and they sing the Native singing. It's fun.
Yesterday we had a pretty cool lesson experience. We rode up with a member almost 2 hours away to meet up with another member family and we had dinner and a lesson with a family. There were like 6 adults there that we shared our message with. We taught the lesson, and they weren't super super open to it but it was a good experience and I feel like I learned a lot. Then we drove back home and went to bed.
I did get to play some hymns for our new Branch yesterday. About 40 attended. It was the first week of the new New Town Branch. We have the Stanley Branch to cover also as I told last time and we might go up there soon for Church. Supposedly they did fine there also.
I opened up the hymnal to 'Be Thou Humble' and played it a few times this morning. It's an easy one and I like it. I just wish that it was easier to be a truly humble person all the time.
Thanks for all you do. Thanks for the prayers, I need them like you wouldn't believe. 
Tell Dad hi for me. I haven't written another letter to Lavell yet, but if you see him tell him hi for me. Make sure he stays around for a few more years at least.
Tell Karlee congratulations. I don't think I remember knowing she was getting married. That is awesome.
Good Job on the Book of Mormon. It's a joy to read it.
Yesterday in Sunday School we had a sweet lesson on Alma 5 and having a change of heart. I wish more people could feel it.
I love you all,
from Elder Ensign